Podcast Velebit – gen. Željko Glasnović:
Thought Control in the West vs. ‘Hate Speech’, cont. III


In this episode of Podcast Velebit our host Tom Sunic speaks to Croatian Member of Parliament, Gen. Zeljko Glasnovic ret.

Communism in the East killed the body; Liberalism in the West kills the soul. Gulag vs. Hollywood.

“Soft” totalitarianism in the  West – more effective. The Frankfurt School.

Electronic thought police;  “de-platforming”, “shilling”, “trolling”, banning”, “doxing”.

Hate speech or absolute taboos?; “Racial Question” and “Jewish Question.”

‘Affirmative action’ in the US – parallels with ‘ethnic quotas’ in communist  Yugoslavia.

High school curriculum; why do classics disappear?

Decadence in the modern art.

Removal, banning, “deconstructing” of thousands of  authors and thinkers. Examples.

Toward balkanization and racialization of US, EU politics; racial wars looming.

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