Ina Vukić
Schengen Zone and Euro For Croatia
The start of this year brought very big changes for Croatia. To pro-European Union political elites and to quite a few Croat ones the entry into the single currency among 20 other countries and the entry into free travel, no borders zone among 27 other countries are considered a major landmark in Croatia’s modern h...
Novi dokumentarni film: Američki ratni zatvorenici u Hrvatskoj 1941. – 1945.
Napomena: Svi oni koji žele pogledati film titlovan s hrvatskim prijevodom ili kupiti kopiju filma, neka se uključe na ovu povezicu:
Film donosi dirljive priče o ljubaznom i pažljivom postupanju prema američkim zrakoplovcima čiji su zrakoplovi oboreni iznad Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegov...
Dr. Jure Burić: Hrvati će nastaviti plaćati visoku cijenu dok se ne provede lustracija!
Početkom listopada ove godine navršiti će se 30 godina od početka opsade Dubrovnika i okolice, te bombardiranja njegovih zidina i vitalnih struktura; pogibije civila i vojnika. Bili ste ratni povjerenik RH kada jugo-četnička agresija nije birala što i koga će pogoditi svojim ubilačkim oružjem i namjerama. K...
Anatomy of Injustice – Australian Croatian Six Case Up For Judicial Inquiry 40 Years On
The Croatian Six 1979 mugshots photo.
On 15 February 2021, human rights and criminal law barrister Sebastian De Brennan and solicitor Helen Cook, with opinion from David Buchanan SC launched an appeal, filed for a judicial inquiry in the Supreme Court of NSW on behalf of the Croatian Six case based on new evidence...
Auschwitz Of The Balkans Was In Serbia, Not Croatia!
Serbian Nazi fascists worked closely with German Nazi officials in making Belgrade the first ‘Judenfrei’ city of Europe by mid-1942. Serbian leader Milan Nedic made an official visit to Adolf Hitler on 19 September 1943, advancing the idea that Serbia is no place for Jews and thanking ‘Führer’ for his decision to exter...
“Dara of Jesenovac” – Serbian Movie to Obscure Jew-Free Serbia and its Holocaust Implementation
Milan Nedic, Serbian Prime Minister during WWII implemented the Holocaust in Serbia and proclaimed to Adolf Hitler “Serbia is free of Jews” (Judenfrei). "Dara of Jasenovac" is another Serbian movie intended to throw dust into the eyes of the World, regarding WWII Serbian implementation of the Holocaust and proclamation...
Predsjedniče Milanović – Otpušteni ste!
Hrvatska suverenistička aktivistica iz Sydneya Ina Vukić, kolumnistica i voditeljica portala, autorica nekoliko knjiga i značajna komunikatorica na relaciji iseljeništvo-domovina, uputila je otvoreno pismo predsjedniku Hrvatske Zoranu Milanoviću.
Predsjedniče Zoran Milanović,
da nisam uvjerena da b...
Esther Gitman’s Book “Alojzije Stepinac: Pillar of Human Rights” Now at Yad Vashem
It is to be hoped that this book by Dr. Esther Gitman on the rescue of Jews in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina during World War II by its very presence in Yad Vashem through President Rivlin will usher in rays of illumination of the truth there where it brings great value for both the Croatian and the Jewish people....
“Dan Hrvata” a ne “Dan Hrvata izvan RH”
Ako Hrvatska nastavi sa svojim separatističkim metodama kada je u pitanju njezina dijaspora, sveprisutna veza između Hrvatske i hrvatske dijaspore u stvarnoj je opasnosti od dubokog narušavanja. Istinsko poštovanje dijaspore od strane domovine ne dolazi kroz proglašenje "Dana Hrvata izvan Republike Hrvatske”, nego kroz...